Fellowship Groups
Luncheon Club
The next luncheon club will take place after our summer break on Monday 2nd September 2024. The cost will be £8 and the meal will include a 2-course meal followed by tea or coffee. If you want to come to future meals , please let Kathryn Sudworth know on 01257 423947 or on
Share and Grow
Meetings take place on alternate Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the Church.. After our summer break, Share and Grow meetings will begin again on Wednesday 18th September.
Ladies Group - Wednesday Group Meetings
We are going to trial holding the Wednesday Group Meetings monthly on the First Wednesday in the month, starting on 4th September. More details to follow.
Men's Fellowship Group
Men’s Fellowship Group The Men’s Fellowship Group are now on their Summer break. The new season starts again in 11th September with the AGM.
Coffee Morning
Our popular coffee morning and warm hub takes place every Thursday from 10-30 am until noon. Hot drinks, tea cakes and crumpets are available alongside the chat and laughter.
Food Parcels
We are again providing food parcels for a few families in need at one of the local schools. If would like to contribute to this. Please see Philip or Kathryn Sudworth.
Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
Rev. Mike Keulemans (from the Church of England), is hoping to set up a monthly ecumenical prayer meeting in Standish, praying for the persecuted church across the world. If you are interested, please contact him directly on 01257 425320 or email
Prayer Circle
As part of the Pastoral Work in our church, we have a group of people who regularly pray in their private prayer time for our church and other concerns. If you have anything or anyone you would like us to pray for or if you would like us to pray for you on Sunday mornings, please email your prayer request to: If you feel the need to If you feel the need to speak to someone confidentially or would like a Pastoral Visitor, please contact Rev’d Richard Towle – 01942 206806
Don’t forget to have a look at our Facebook Page – please use this link
September 1st Kathryn Sudworth
September 1st Kathryn Sudworth
September 15th Enid Chapman
September 22nd George Worthington
September 29th Jennifer Lawrence